About Adawehi

The Adawehi Wellness Village is nestled on 125 acres of woodlands where a balance of natural and manicured gardens shows off the diversity of nature. A haven for common and rare plant species, it is a native plant preserve that includes walking trails lined with ferns, azaleas, hazelnuts, birches, and a variety of wildflowers and herbs.

Adawehi was founded in 1998 by Jackie Woods and a small number of dedicated people who all share the desire to make a difference. Over the years, Adawehi has grown to include 10 community houses, hundreds of personal growth students (onsite and via the Internet), a healing center, conference center, three shops, health food store, greenhouses, gardens, exercise facility and bed & breakfast.

Experience Health at Adawehi!

The Adawehi Wellness Village is also the home of around 50 people. It is a community of individuals who are raising their consciousness by releasing patterns that keep them from acting, thinking, and/or feeling the vibrancy of health. While each individual will have their particular focus, support of health is always the theme in all ten community houses.

If you are ready to immerse yourself in Intentional Community living, there are a limited number of rooms and apartments available. Call us at 828-290-7523 or contact us to learn more.

Visit the Fellowship for Intentional Community website to learn more about the Adawehi Community

Visit JackieWoods.org to learn more about Adawehi Founder and Spiritual Teacher, Jackie Woods

Adawehi Wellness Village Entrance
An abundance of beauty at the Adawehi entrance!
Adawehi Community Dance
Celebration Dances at Adawehi!
Happy Gardeners at Adawehi!