Astrology Readings

with Anna Luciene

More than anything else, we all want to truly connect with other human beings through healthy relationships. Our souls long to come together, yet so much of the time we feel as if they don’t “get” us and we don’t “get” them. Astrology is a unifying force that shines the light of understanding on all of our relationships.

Relationship Readings reveal each individual’s sacred self. As you begin to truly see the unique gifts that everyone brings, the relationship shifts. You will find a greater acceptance of yourself and others. Doors open and communication begins to happen. Unhealthy relationships begin to transform into healthy relationships. Individual readings are, in essence, an exploration of our relationship with ourselves. The more we understand who we are, the more easily we can love ourselves and the more we want to bring that self to the people in our lives.

Anna begins all readings with traditional astrology methods. Your astrological chart then becomes her bridge to understanding and interpreting your sacred path. Strengths, weaknesses, gifts and lessons are all brought to light. In a relationship reading, she then reveals how each person’s inner spirit expresses through his or her relationship.

A strong Libra with Neptune conjunct Mercury as well as Uranus in her 10th house, Anna Luciene is perfectly aligned to ply the heavens on our behalf. She has been an avid student of astrology for more than 20 years, and at the repeated urging of others, recently began offering professional readings.

Anna views and understands life through astrology and brings an intuitive grasp of the elements she interprets. Her special gift lies in her expertise with healthy relationships. With loving and reassuring wisdom, she helps people understand who they are individually and in relationships. Through this understanding, walls can be broken down that otherwise seemed impassable. With wisdom, understanding and support, Anna will bring the heavens to earth to enlighten your journey to healthy relationships.

Anna is an independent practitioner not in the employ of the Adawehi Healing Center.