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    The Sins of Assumption

    $ 29.95  CD
    $ 24.95  Download Immediately

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    • Retrain your consciousness to avoid thinking “What pattern of expression will work here?” See how you can cultivate long-term friendships that build on what is real instead of straight jackets that keep both people small.
    • Discover how to use patterns for their real purpose…anchoring your Heart’s intent. Learn a simple mantra that will keep you from getting stuck in the cycle of living “from the outside in.”
    • Work with gently healing imprinted wounds, layer by layer, until you can love yourself. Let go of the need to manufacture expected outcomes and live from your Heart’s intent.
    • Master the technique of “letting people out of the cages” that your assumptions put them in. Find out how to discern between Compassion and compromises that “paper over wounds.”
    • Eye opening teachings mixed with personal examples allow this CD to take you beyond any self-help tool you have ever encountered and stay in that advanced place by learning to “walk your talk.” Break out of the prison of sensory reality that your mind has been taught to see and create a spiritual reality that your Heart can feel!

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