Organic Produce at Beneficial Foods Grocery

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    Living with the Intent of Health

    $ 44.95  CDs
    $ 39.95  Download Immediately

    SKU: living-with-intent-of-health Category: Tags: , , , ,
    • Focus on Health as you move through five critical areas of weight management.
    • Escape the trap of “eating to fill a hole” by learning how to fill empty spaces with the energy of Health. Discover the emotional connection, and learn when weight gain serves as emotional protection.
    • Put the power of Synergy to work for you as you discover why “doing it together” has been so successful for groups like Weight Watchers. Practice this powerful “Meta” approach that works no matter what your dietary challenges or restrictions.
    • Learn the ultimate tool of how to listen to your body to tell whether a restaurant or exercise routine really resonates with your gift of Health. Understand how to work with your body type and genetic starting point.
    • Understand the causes and cures of “looping” (making progress and then falling back into old patterns). Gain the ability to access true self-worth to replace the trap of vanity and make lasting changes.

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    © Copyright 2025 | Adawehi Wellness Village | 93 Adawehi Lane | Columbus, NC 28722