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    Energetic Parenting

    $ 24.95  CD
    $ 19.95  Download Immediately

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    Help your children with character development not just behavior modification. Through this simple technique, learn to help your children grow bigger in a spiritual quality instead of just teaching them a “good” behavior pattern. For example, don’t just teach children to say just “Please” and “Thank you,” but help them grow the spiritual quality of Appreciation – through learning to focus your intention – while you are teaching them that “good” behavior pattern.

    Energetic Parenting:

    • A “Meta-tool” that works with any parenting style or technique you are already using since it’s about what you put into your words and actions. It contains one-on-one conversation, practical examples, and common questions from real parents!
    • A learning tool that translates beyond parent and child interaction. It carefully guides you through the process of coaching your child in how to look for the character quality being offered when interacting with teachers and other adults.
    • A supportive approach to developing your “inner child” as well.

    Recorded live with Adawehi Founder and Director Jackie Woods and a live audience of parents in many different situations to ask the questions you would ask.

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