The Stewardship Forest at the Adawehi Community

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    The Comfort Zone of Woundedness

    $ 29.95  CD
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    • Learn to share Healing with people instead of wounds (problems). Instead of finding comfort in the same old circumstances, learn to find comfort in circumstances that match the growth of your Spirit.
    • Discover how to recognize when clumps of people are “camped out” around a particular stuck place….and when you are stopped at that same “stop sign.” Stop commiserating with others around the good/bad happenings and see how to view uncomfortable creations as merely “motivators” to keep growing.
    • Get the change in your outer world to match (and flow from) the change inside you, and you will no longer want to connect to others by finding similar fears and problems to share around. See how “wrestling with a stuck place” can actually become a stuck place and learn a different approach!
    • Look for the signs that show a particular Community supporting its members in growth instead of going by “misery loves company.” Make sure when you are sharing concerns with a friend that you walk away with your Heart strengthened and not your fears.

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    © Copyright 2025 | Adawehi Wellness Village | 93 Adawehi Lane | Columbus, NC 28722